Laura: I bought some frozen orange juice concentrate. I'm going to make Orange Julius.
Jacob: No way! I was going to use that for making Orange Julius.
Laura: Yeah, but I have a recipe and it's really good.
Jacob: I'm pretty sure I make it better.
Laura: No, I'm pretty sure I make it better.
Or something like that. Anyway, this conversation of course resulted in an Orange Julius Taste Off.
But, Kiya mixed part of sample A with part of sample B and decided that both recipes mixed together was better than either separately. Thus, the Parable of the Orange Julius: my best + Jacob's best = awesome. (Thanks, Jacob for bringing out the best in me.) :)
P.S. Here are the recipes if you are curious-
Laura's recipe:
1 1/4 C orange juice
1 C water
3 TB egg white
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 C sugar
1 1/2 C ice
blend, add ice last
Jacob's recipe:
put a lot of ice cream, some milk, a little vanilla, just enough orange juice concentrate, and several ice cubes in the blender. blend.