Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Parable of the Orange Julius

During dinner last week:

Laura: I bought some frozen orange juice concentrate. I'm going to make Orange Julius.
Jacob: No way! I was going to use that for making Orange Julius.
Laura: Yeah, but I have a recipe and it's really good.
Jacob: I'm pretty sure I make it better.
Laura: No, I'm pretty sure I make it better.

Or something like that. Anyway, this conversation of course resulted in an Orange Julius Taste Off. We invited our friends Kiya and Michael over to participate as judges. We had Orange Julius A samples, and Orange Julius B samples. Our friends tried both and then wrote down their votes. And the winner was...neither. Kiya voted for A, Michael voted for B. Unfortunately we could only get two people to come over and be judges. So our contest was a flop.

But, Kiya mixed part of sample A with part of sample B and decided that both recipes mixed together was better than either separately. Thus, the Parable of the Orange Julius: my best + Jacob's best = awesome. (Thanks, Jacob for bringing out the best in me.) :)

P.S. Here are the recipes if you are curious-

Laura's recipe:
1 1/4 C orange juice
1 C water
3 TB egg white
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 C sugar
1 1/2 C ice
blend, add ice last

Jacob's recipe:
put a lot of ice cream, some milk, a little vanilla, just enough orange juice concentrate, and several ice cubes in the blender. blend.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Mistake #1 was made by Geico:

Laura and Jacob Riddle...heheh. So far, I've done pretty well adjusting to my new last name. I've only written Riddle a couple times when signing my name. I'm glad Parry is a pretty normal name. And I think it looks good with my first name. But it has been misspelled on something at work - Laura Perry. Gross!

Mistake #2. Buying 10 pounds of potatoes. This was my mistake. I was seduced by the very low price of potatoes at the store. I thought, potatoes are cheap and Jacob and I both like them. We can eat these for a long time! But, they are starting to go bad and I am pretty sick of potatoes...In the last while, I've made twice-baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, and cheesy crock pot potatoes. (The crock pot potatoes were a first real bomb since we've been married. I'm still trying to recover.) Do you have any good potato recipes? Help!

Mistake #3. Taking Jacob to Petsmart. I wanted to go window shopping for a dog. We can't get one yet, but I thought it would be fun to look. Jacob fell in love with a cat named Georgie and really wanted to take him home. I was, fortunately, able to drag him away. After we got home we did some research and this is the dog Jacob wants-

Maybe one day maybe when we have a bigger place.