Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nearly a Year Later...

I finally got the pictures from our honeymoon on the computer. Having forgotten my camera, all our pictures were taken on a disposable camera purchased at Catalina:

Pretty, huh? But let's back up a little bit. The day after we got married we stayed in Vegas and planned to drive to California to catch our cruise. When we were about to hit the road, we realized we were taking off from San Diego, not Santa Ana, which is an hour further away. So we had an extra hour to drive we had not planned on. I was so worried we were not going to make it! I figured if we didn't, at least we would have a funny honeymoon story to tell our kids. That car ride was kind of a tense way to start off our celebration. Fortunately we made it on the ship with time to spare. Our first stop was Catalina, which was really pretty. We rented these cool bikes and rode around. Jacob was impressed with the fact that everyone drives golf carts and you have to be a resident for about 12 years before you can bring a car to the island.

After Catalina, we landed in Ensenada, Mexico. It was fun for us to speak Spanish and haggle with the salespeople. We bought some cool souvenirs. I had been dying for a massage, but it was too expensive to get one on the ship, so when we found a little massage place, I decided to get one. Jacob said he was going to go get some ice cream. My massage lady was slapping her hands together, rubbing them really fast and then massaging my back. I'm not sure why she was doing that, but Jacob was in the lobby and all he heard was slapping. He was wondering if his new bride was being slapped around in the back of the store. He decided to eat his ice cream first and then check it out. By that time I'd come out and we went on our merry way.

Weird gold heads.

Weird monkey.

Weird sculpture on the beach.

Yeah, even on our honeymoon it was that painful for Jacob when I kissed him. Now he either fights back:

Or accepts awkwardly when he sees there is no way out of it.

After nearly a year of marriage, that's one lesson we've learned: Know when to fight back (pick your battles) and when to awkwardly accept what your spouse says/does/thinks (or when they try to kiss you on the cheek).

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Meet Fish

This is Fish.

We decided that Link was too lonely at home alone all day, so we went back to the shelter and adopted Link's brother. We named him Fish to continue with the Prison Break theme.

Link and Fish love each other.

Link and Fish love yarn.

We love Link and Fish!